SB Federal
Sales Support
8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB Business Development Support
In many cases, the 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB company’s management staff is swamped with day-to-day operations and neglect activities necessary for public sector market growth. This includes responding to proposals, meeting with agency program and contract managers, building teaming arrangements with large primes, and monitoring upcoming opportunities on Fedbizopps, agency procurement forecasts and other web based services.
One solution is to employ a full time federal business development team with ex-government managers, capture managers, proposal writers, procurement analysts, etc... However, this approach adds significant overhead costs to the small business. Further, ROI is not guaranteed and depends on the business development team's capability to bring in profitable contracts to the company. Hunter Wellman provides the same services as a wholly integrated federal business development team at a fraction of the cost. This is due to our streamlined approach to federal sales developed over years of engagement, our team of experienced federal professionals familiar with their agency of previous employment, and our cost structure that minimizes upfront costs in lieu of performance based compensation.
A critical business development area that is often overlooked is the hundreds of millions of dollars of 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB program set asides that are not published to the public. In these instances, contracting officers manage their 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB programs by developing a cadre of qualified 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB companies and source task orders to the group without any type of public posting. A common term for this form of contracting is an 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB IDIQ or BAA.Hunter Wellman specializes in the unpublished 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB sole source contract, IDIQ, and BAA. Our success in this area is due to our knowledge of the contracting offices that utilize 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB IDIQ/BAA and sole source procurements, our relationships with these offices, and our ability to present our clients to the managers of said contracting shops.
Hunter Wellman offers a turnkey business development solution developed to meet the marketing requirements of 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB companies.
Our team of experienced federal procurement professionals will work with your business development team and Subject Matter Experts to gain an understanding of your BD goals and functional areas of expertise.
Next, we comb through 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB set aside programs to determine which 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB programs best fit your area of expertise, staffing capabilities, and past performance.
Then we contact the associated program office and contracting office to introduce company capability to perform the work outlined by the program requirements.
The next step involves a qualification process where the eventual goal is to get “in the loop” for contracts associated with the 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB program.
Once the 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB IDIQ/BAA is acquired, the company will be introduced to a new flow of revenue opportunity not available to competing entities.
Engaging in these unpublished 8a/HUBZONE/SDVOB programs, combined with traditional federal business development activities, is a proven methodology to building business in the public space.